Cheryl Narumi Naruse
My Work
Becoming Global Asia: Contemporary Genres of Postcolonial Capitalism
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Writing Postcolonial Capitalism
for The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Economics
Critical Introduction to Lydia Kwa
Literature and Postcolonial Capitalism
Special issue of ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature 49.4 (2018), edited by Cheryl Narumi Naruse, Sunny Xiang, and Shashi Thandra.
"Global Asia" Periscope Dossier for Social Text
Edited by Nadine Chan and Cheryl Narumi Naruse.
Singapore as Strategic Location: Setting and Positionality in Goh Poh Seng’s If We Dream Too Long and Lydia Kwa’s Pulse
in Current Directions in Singapore Literature and Culture: Local and Global Contexts, edited by Angelia Poon and Angus Whitehead.
Hwee Hwee Tan’s Mammon Inc. as Bildungsroman, or the Coming-of-Career Narrative
Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 49.1
Bodies That Map: Overseas Singaporeans and the Urban Imagination
Verge: Studies in Global Asias 2.1.
Overseas Singaporeans, Coming-of-Career Narratives, and the Corporate Nation
biography: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly 37.1.
Singapore at 50: At the Intersections of Neoliberal Globalization and Postcoloniality
Special issue of Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 18.4 edited by Cheryl Narumi Naruse and Weihsin Gui